
Fiber Post Applications

Fillings made on teeth with high substance loss may fail. In this way, nails, screw-like structures applied with support from the existing or our own root canal treatment are called “posts” for teeth that carry risk.

Fiber Post Applications
Fiber post applications are applied to teeth with high substance loss. The reason for this is the failure of filling applications in this type of teeth. Screws and nails applied after root canal treatment for such risky teeth are called posts. The post provides support from the root of the tooth. Fiber post application is the process of placing a fiber rod in the root canal treated tooth if there is no solid wall or if it is insufficient. In this way, root support is taken and solid filling can be applied on the support.

Why Fiber Post Application?
Fiber post application can be coated with various coating materials if desired, thus preventing tooth breakage and tooth loss.

In Which Situations Is Fiber Post Applied?
In cases where the tooth root in the bone is healthy, if the crown is in bad shape,
In cases of crown fracture,
In teeth where filling treatment is not possible,
In the bent prosthesis infrastructure,
Angular arrangement of teeth
What are the advantages?
The fiber post provides reinforcing both in the root part and in the crown part of the tooth.
It prevents tooth loss.
It reduces the need for implants.
It reduces the need for tooth extractions.
The crown becomes permanent.
Is the Application a Difficult Application?
It may not be right to call it a difficult application, but it is a detailed application.

Page update date: 4/Kasım/2023 18:11