
Fissure Sealing Dental Treatment

Fissure sealant provides closure of the recesses in the molars called “fissures”. Fissure sealant prevents bacteria and nutrients from reaching and adhering to the deep and narrow fissures on the chewing surfaces of molar teeth, which are the most prone to caries.

Fissure Sealing Dental Treatment
Fissure sealant dental treatment is a method frequently used in children. With this method, the recesses in the molars are closed. In this way, the formation of caries is prevented. The application we call fissure sealant; It prevents bacteria and food residues from reaching deep and narrow areas in molars, which are the most prone to decay tooth group. In this way, the probability of caries formation is considerably reduced.

As it is known, dental caries usually starts in milk teeth and molars in children. The mounds and pits on the chewing surface are primarily affected by this condition. But if this part is closed using fissure sealant dental treatment, you will prevent caries to a large extent.

Why is Fissure Sealant Made?
Fissure sealant treatment, also called dental grafting, is performed to close the pits in the molars that are prone to decay. The aim here is to minimize the possibility of caries.

On Which Teeth Is Fissure Sealing Dental Treatment Applied?
Dentists apply this treatment method to molars.

Does Fissure Sealant Fall Off? What Happens If It Drops?
In some cases, the fissure sealant may break or fall off due to excessive pressure. In this case, the dentist renews the sealant.

Are There Any Side Effects of Fissure Sealant?
Fissure sealant treatment does not have any side effects.

Should All Children Have This Application?

Yes it should be done. This application eliminates the risk of caries.

At What Age Should Fissure Sealant Be Done?
Fissure sealant application can be done after 3 years of age.

Page update date: 4/Kasım/2023 18:11