
Protective Practices

Precautions are at the forefront of protective practices for children. Apart from this, doctors use methods such as fissure sealants.

Dental care is mandatory in children as their teeth erupt in infancy. Although the first teeth will fall out, it plays a big role in the settlement of the jaw and mouth structure of children. Therefore, it is very important to protect the general health of the teeth. Preventive dentistry constantly checks the teeth of children at certain intervals and gives advice to parents.

So what should be done for child dental health in the first place?
Parents should brush their children's first teeth as soon as they appear. They should do this with brushes appropriate for the age of the child.
The use of toothpaste is not recommended for children under 3 years old. You can brush your teeth with water during this period.
In order to protect dental health in children, it is necessary to acquire this habit clearly until the age of 6 years.
Next, the dentist will explain brushing techniques to your child.
What are Preventive Dentistry Practices in Children?
Fissure sealant is one of the primary preventive dentistry applications in children. 6-year-old teeth are the teeth that dentists most frequently apply fissure sealants. In this way, the recesses in the tooth structure are eliminated, and the formation of caries is prevented. You are welcome to our clinic for detailed information and application.

Page update date: 4/Kasım/2023 18:11