

It is a method of inhaling the necessary drugs to relax, calm and relieve the fears of the patient in minor surgical interventions to be performed with the support of local anesthesia and painless interventions to help the diagnosis.

What is sedation?
Sedation is putting patients into a state of sleep using drugs. In this state of sleep, the patient's reflexes are preserved and the depth of sleep is also under control and can be adjusted. The application is used in small surgical interventions to be performed with the support of local anesthesia. However, it can sometimes be used in painless interventions to help the diagnosis, to calm the patient and relieve their fears.

How is sedation done?
Sedation is performed by anesthesiologists. It is done in the form of giving the drugs to the patient by inhalation. In dental health, these drugs can be used in cases where psychological approaches are not sufficient in patients with phobia and anxiety. Thanks to this application, the patient's relationship with the environment is reduced and his consciousness is slightly lost.

What are the Sedation Benefits?
Sedation is applied to relax and calm people who have serious psychological fears. In this application, the patient is conscious, but experiences temporary memory loss. It is often used to supplement local anesthesia. It is a method that facilitates the work of dentists and patients.

What is Conscious Sedation?
In the conscious sedation method, the patient's airway is open and can respond to stimuli and commands. His consciousness is in a suppressed state. It is a method frequently used in dental examinations. So what are the benefits of this application?

It ensures that the patient is in a comfortable and safe environment.

It completely removes the feeling of fear.

It raises the patient's pain threshold.

It provides an easy and comfortable working environment for the dentist.

It can be used especially in pediatric patients with fears.

Page update date: 4/Kasım/2023 18:11