
Laodicea Ancient City

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Laodicea Ancient City

Laodicea, one of the important faith centers of the Christian world, has 2 separate churches and many temples as well as the Holy Cross Church mentioned in the Bible. "Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea!" The verse that started with the sentence was effective.

Laodicea, one of the important faith centers of the Christian world, has 2 separate churches and many temples as well as the Holy Cross Church mentioned in the Bible. "Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea!" The verse that started with the sentence was effective.

The Church of the Holy Cross in Laodikeia, which was unearthed during excavations in 2010, also has the distinction of being the first church unearthed from the 7 churches mentioned in the Bible. Laodicea Holy Cross Church, located just behind Temple A, was built on 10 feet.

There are Narthex, Naos, Prothesis, Diakonicon and baptism rooms in the church. Church, MS. It was built in 312 and is unique in the world in terms of its architectural features.

Another Roman Period Ancient City is Leodikya. It is located between Denzili City Center and Travertines. What makes the ancient city of Leodikya important is that there are different styles of sheep bred here. In this way, it became one of the most important places in terms of textiles. You can see the ruins of the ancient theatre, temple and various structures in different proportions, which were unearthed during the excavations.

Page update date: 1/Ağustos/2023 21:08
